Saturday, March 1, 2008

Latest Tag

Lila tagged me on this one....

5 things on my to do list:
1. Go to Wal-Mart (again to get the things I forgot when I accidentaly left my list at home today) - but I got to go by myself - much faster
2. work on latest sewing project (s)
3. clean - dishes and folding laundry are a constant
4. workout (pretty much get to it 3 days/week - it keeps me sane and a much mom & wife)
5. start scrapbooking - guess I need to find the top of my table again

10 things I enjoy:
1. playing with Ainsleigh
2. time with Brody as just us
3. watching Brody & Ainsleigh play together
4. Spring/Fall weather
5. working out - yes I really DO enjoy it
6. sewing
7. finding/trying new recipes
8. running errands by myself
9. days where I feel like i've actually accomplished something
10. hiking

suddenly a billionaire....
Pay tithing, pay off all debt, buy a house in OR, furnish, decorate, and organize it with hired help, have a cool theater room, playroom, and workout room (in the smallest square footage possible), work as little as we want to, pay someone to do spring cleaning for me, get a full makeover by the "what not to wear team", travel A LOT, set up finances to last until age 100 living however we want to, donate a lot to humanitarian, missionary, and perpetual education fund, give money to whomever, whatever we feel deserves it.

5 jobs I have had:
1. "shop girl" at a heating & air conditioning company
2. medical records clerk
3. cashier at Nordstrom
4. Surgical Technologist
5. Registered Nurse in surgery

5 things most people don't know about me:
1. I was born by flashlight light
2. I used to rock climb a lot (and would love to do it again if anyone knows anyone around her who does)
3. I just turned 30 - and i'm really excited to be into a new era
4. I (an RM) married a "sister hater"
5. My first car was a 4 wheel drive truck

.... I tag : Rachel, Erin and Erica


Unknown said...

I didn't know you were born by a flashlight! you'll have to tell me that story sometime... so did you start your scrapbooking like you had on your "to do" list?

Unknown said...

P.S. I beat you to your tag. I think I filled out this a week or two ago... you'll have to check my blog. Its a tad different but for the most part the same questions.

Melissa said...

Hi Karee! It's so good to be able to see what's going on in everybody's lives! I think for the next family newsletter, I'll just put the blog address on it and say check it out!!