Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fun times with cousins

Last week Ainsleigh and I headed to Southern Oregon Monday - Thursday to see family because I had a long string of days off. It was nice to see everyone, I even got to meet up with a few high school friends and their kids. Ainsleigh loved playing with her cousins, spending lots of time outside because the weather was gorgeous, and just getting lots of attention.

They loved playing in the dirt/bark at nana's house - and the gravel out by their driveway. Ainsleigh poured dirt over her head more than once, so I had to practically drown her in her bath that night pouring cup full after cup full of water over her head trying to get it all out!

Everyone seemed to want to ride Ainsleigh's bike except her, she liked pushing them or running behind them - whatever, as long as they were having fun. Though she did periodically remind them that it was her bike by demanding she have it back for a time.

Camrie and Ainsleigh in my car, notice the seatbelts, undoubtedly so they "can be safe" just like Dora says.

Camrie friend Abby came over, and they performed a short concert for us - since no one in the family plays the piano at this point, nana doesn't care that it's horribly out of tune and they just make it worse - great news for the grandkids.

We also went to Papa and Grandma Sandy's house which Ainsleigh loved - especially the backyard with dogs, and a swingset. She did warm up to the dogs, which was good, I was beginning to wonder how long that would take. We also watched Jordan play in a baseball game. He did a great job, and Ainsleigh really liked saying "go Jordan!!". It was super cute.


Unknown said...

That's nice to get away and spend time with family. Funny story about DQ too! Looks like you guys had fun.