Thursday, October 4, 2007

Awesome summer activity

During the summer we went camping with some friends from our ward, the Forreys. We were hoping to go again before the end of the summer, but after Brody hurt his toe we had to wait until it healed enough, then kinda ran out of time. We still might try to go stay in yurts somewhere, but anyways - we had a blast. We stayed at Detroit Lake. The kids loved being outside so much, having others to play with, and loved the thought of sleeping in a tent - until we actually had to do it. After being in Florida for so long, we forgot how cold it gets in the mountains and didn't take near enough blankets, so we huddled very close together to stay warm enough to sleep - we'll remember for next time!!


Brady and Rachel said...

I wonder if it was similar to Yellowstone at night there. The first year, we didn't plan correctly as far as bringing warm clothes and blankets, so this past summer we made sure we had enough. Cute pictures!!! You just reminded me that we still have small slide down in Orem that we bought when Tayson was 1, and it has been there ever since. We are so glad to hear it wasn't the chicken pox. My mom forgets to update us on things, she tells us the beginning news, but then nothing after that, so all I heard was that she had the chicken pox so I felt so bad for you guys thinking she was miserable for a couple weeks or so. Glad to hear it was much better than that. Keep the pictures coming, we love them.