Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So, trying to get back to blogging... I was tagged a while ago...

Eight favorite TV shows:
1. Prison Break
2. the Office
3. My name is Earl
4. What not to Wear
5. college football
the rest must be Ainsleigh's shows, I don't watch much
6. Berenstain Bears
7. Dora the Explorere
8. Caillou

Eight favorite restaurants:
1. Red Lobster
2. Olive Garden
3. the Cheesecake Factory
4. Applebee's
5. Chevy's
6. mexican - Mi Ranchito
7. anywhere I don't have to cook
8. anywhere just Brody & I go

Eight things I did yesterday:
1. played on the computer
2. played with Ainsleigh
3. took a nap
4. got a massage
5. ran an errand
6. helped pick up the living room
7. made dinner
8. sat on the couch

Eight things I love about Fall:
1. leaves changing color
2. crisp sunny days
3. wearing sweaters
4. crunching leaves
5. pumpkin patches
6. the fun & friendliness of Halloween
7. that it's okay to decorate with purple, orange, and black
8. that lawns don't have to be mowed anymore

Eight things I look forward to:
1. no more morning sickness
2. every day with Ainsleigh - seeing waht more she does/learns
3. selling our house in Florida
4. watching how Ainsleigh reacts to a new brother or sister
5. getting my car back
6. visiting family for the holidays
7. time off work for the holidays
8. spring time

Eight things on my wish list:
1. a happy healthy baby
2. to not have to work someday
3. to out right own a home
4. a clean and organized house
5. for #4 to be maintained by someone else
6. time to do all my projects (mostly by 4 &5 above)
7. to support my children in all they do
8. to get away with my husband at least a few times a year

Eight people I tag:
1. Lila
2. Erica
3. Emily
4. Meredith
5. Aleeta
6. Kimber
7. Anjuli
8. Chelsi


Unknown said...

its about time you posted SOMETHING!! Now how about pictures! I guess I have all those pics you sent me for the book but update me on all the new things Ainsleigh is doing

Brady and Rachel said...

Fun to see a new post. How are things going with the Florida house anyways? We keep praying for you guys, hope it sells soon.

Priscilla said...

Ok Karee I signed up with google just to leave a post!!!!!! WOW how far along are you? We had no idea you were pregnant! Congratulations! I have checked your blog faithfully trying to keep up to date with the family. I was worried when you hadn't posted in a while. I miss yall so much! I guess there is no chance of you moving back to that house down here in Florida. Call us sometime or email me.
Love, Prissy and Richie

the McLaughlin's said...

Congrats on the bambino on the way! When are you due? Hope you guys are doing good!

Tami said...

Wow, amazing how much info you can give by answering a few questions! Congrats on the new addition on the way! And hope all else works out for you ;)