Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I think everyone already knows, but just in case...

This is how we let some people know about our new arrival. I was planning to post it on facebook, here, and e-mail. But I had to make sure some found out from us first, then just felt too yucky to purue it anymore, so it only made it on facebook. But, I still think it's a really cute picture. It makes me laugh that Ainsleigh's face looks kinda chubby, because she isn't at all, still the same little pipsqueak. Oh, I'm due June 26, yes we're finding out what it is. My ultrasound is scheduled for next Thursday, February 5th - hopefully we'll get full cooperation and let everyone know after that.


Joel & Lila said...

well I am sure you know that we are SUPER EXCITED for you guys. Wish I was there to help throw you a super awesome baby shower... :o(

Unknown said...

You updated! Yay! When I first saw the picture of ainsleigh with the sign I thought it read, "I'm going to have a sister" I got all excited for another girl! But then I reread it. I still think it's going to be a boy though.