Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baby Tag

Well, I'm at work (shhhhhh) and don't have any pictures to post, so I thought I would do a cute post I saw on my sister in law's blog. I feel the same way she does, no one else may be interested in it - although I liked reading hers. But it's really a great way to think about what happened and maybe someday put it into a journal. Then i'll get to do it again with the next!
If you'd like to reminisce on this, you can do it too!

*Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? At my in-laws house
*Who was with you? Brody
*How did you find out that you were pregnant? a test, but we were pretty sure by then, I was REALLY late, we waited until all of the stuff from my sister-in-law's wedding was over before finding out so we wouldn't feel we had to hide it.
*What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? Excited
* Who was the first person you told? My in-laws
*Did you plan to get pregnant? Yes, but we weren't expecting it quite so fast
*Was everybody happy for you? I think so
* Did you want to find out the sex? Yes, but I wouldn't have fought too hard if Brody didn't want to.
* Did anyone throw you a baby shower? Yes, the Matheson gang, people from work, and people from church.
* Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby? Yup.
* How much weight did you gain? 40 lbs!!
* Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? All but that last dang 5 lbs.
*Did you get a lot of stretch marks? Yes, but all really low so they're almost impossible to see when not pregnant.
*What did you crave the most? Nothing in particular, sweets a lot, and I really liked Eggo waffles the whole 1st trimester.
*Did you crave anything crazy? nope.
*Who or what got on your nerves the most? Everything - especially at work, I just wanted to tell everyone what I thought of them.
*Were you married at the time? Yes
*Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? There was an ultrasound that was misread and they thought Ainsleigh had dilated kidneys and not enough amniotic fluid, so I had to rush to the Dr.'s for another ultrasound, but in the end all was okay. Just a scare.
*Did your water break? with the Dr.'s help
*Who drove you to the hospital? Brody
* Did you go early or late? 9 days late
*Who was in the room with you when you gave birth? Brody and the medical staff
*Was it video taped? nope
* Did you have any drugs for the pain? Epidurals are the way to go
*Did you go Natural or have a c-section? natural in that sense
* What was your first reaction after giving birth? I just thought she was so dang cute - and I was amazed at the literally instant love for her.
*Did your Husband cry? Yes.
*What did you name the baby -Ainsleigh Sariah, it had been picked out for months. Brody picked out the name and spelling for the first name, I picked out the middle name.
*Did the baby(s) have any complications? She wouldn't cry or really take a deep breath, she made funny throaty sounds when she breathed, which I knew wasn't good but I hid my concern from Brody, and also somehow just knew she'd be okay. They said they needed to take her to special care nursery for oxygen, but ended up giving her an IV as well. In some ways it was nice because we got to sleep for a few hours after being up most of the night in labor.
*How old is your baby today? almost 3 (34 months but I stop counting months after 18)
*When is the next one(s) coming? the end of June
*If you could, would you do it all over again? Absolutely


Katie said...

sorry, i might have missed this if you wrote it somewhere, but do you know what you're having yet?

Priscilla said...

I miss ya'll so much. Just wanted to say hey. I still think about all the good times we had and wish ya'll were still here. Come visit when you can (after the baby comes) and I am with Katie... I want more info on this new baby.