Monday, June 30, 2008

Camrie's birthday bash

Last weekend we went to Southern Oregon for my sister's birthday, my niece Camrie's birthday, and just because we hadn't visited in a while. The visit was nice, but it felt super fast. Ainsleigh loved seeing everyone, getting lots of attention, and playing with cousins.

Reading a book together - Camrie, Erica & Ainsleigh. It is a counting book, and they would take turns counting what was on the page, then naming everything else. Ainsleigh got it right most of the time 5 things and under, and wrong most of the time over 5, but no one would correct her, she's too little. If Camrie got it wrong, Erica would tell her, "try again". About 10 minutes after these pictures Ainsleigh was sitting by herself with this book, she counted, then said, "try again" and counted over again - we were cracking up.
For Camrie's birthday she wanted a water slide - this one belongs to their daycare provider. They get to play on it once a week at daycare, and Camrie goes crazy on it. Cayden went pretty wild that night, he would stand at the top and jump down onto it. They both really liked not having to share it with the other kids at daycare for a special evening. Ainsleigh kept saying she wanted to go on it, but as soon as she touched the ice cold water she'd say no. Another little girl, Elly, went on it a few times with her dad's help, but she was pretty cold too.


Unknown said...

How fun! Did they let the big kids go down? I'd want to try it. What a beautiful singer you got!

Melissa said...

Looks like fun! She is so cute singing! We need one of those big water slides here!

Unknown said...

Just so you know I checked on the pig. There are a couple places I will call tomorrow. One is in Woodburn and the other in St Paul. Just letting you know I'm making slight progress with the pig. Oh, and Joe's shoulder is working again!