Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mommy tag

Well, i've been a pretty big slacker on blogging lately, so while i'm catching up - Erin tagged me (I think it was me - although she put Karee D. - my maiden name initial) well over a month ago for this, and I like to do them because I always love to read what other people put on them, so here goes... Well, it took me 3 days to finish this, but the answers are all still the same, I think,

1. What time does Ainsleigh wake up? usually 6:30 am (it's a killer sometimes if I worked the night before and didn't get to bed until after 12).

2. What time does Ainsleigh go to bed? Until last Saturday it was around 9-9:15pm, then Brody said lets try ealier, if she wakes up at 5 tomorrow i'll get up with her and we'll go back to 9. I had been trying to get her to sleep later because we could tell she wasn't getting enough sleep. The darkening shades only seemed to be getting her about 15 minutes more on average in the morning, so we tried the 8 o'clock thing. It's been a little later a few days, but so far it's working great and i've still got a little energy left after I put her down Yeah!!

3. How long have I been a mom? 2 years and almost 3 months - can't believe how fast time flies

4. How old was I when became a mom? 28 - never thought I would be that old, but love the fact that I am this old.

5. What's my favorite kid TV show? Probably Diego, I like to learn about the animals too, and the latin inspired tunes are pretty catchy. But anything Ainsleigh sings along with gets major bonus points.

6. What my least favorite kid TV show? That Ainsleigh watches - Barney we don't know where she learned to like him, there was a strict no Barney rule in our house, otherwise - Spongebob :(

7. Favorite chore? Is that honestly a question? I don't mind putting laundry in the washing machine, otherwise, it's just something I have to do.

8. Favorite meal to cook? I like to try new things, stuff with different spices and flavors

9. Meal cooked most often ? Grilled chicken with baked potato and a veggie

10. Ainsleigh's favorite meal? She likes a lot of things, pasta, pizza, any fruit, most veggies, bagels...

11. My favorite thing that Brody does with Ainsleigh? when she first started going to daycare they had a get home dance they did together - I rarely got to see it, but I loved that they shared that, I don't think they do that anymore, so it would probably be "playing cuddles" - especially when they're curled up together on the couch watching basketball.

12. My 5 things that make me a smile about being a mom...

a) bragging about my amazing two year old

b) hearing "thank you mommy ___________" for everything I do for her these days (change clothes, shoes, new diaper, juice, etc. it just melts your heart

c) watching Ainsleigh laugh while playing with other kids

d) picking her up from nursery and hearing "my mommy" about 18 times - nothing like your child runing straight for you with a bowl you over hug

e) seeing others get enjoyment out of love from Ainsleigh (Brody, grandparents, pseudo-grandparents and friends at church) she loves to love everyone

13. Where do I want to take Ainsleigh one day? ultimately, to the temple for her wedding there, until then - while she's young places that stretch the imagination, then when she's old enough to appreciate it - other cultures to see the world holds so many wonderful differences and appreciate what we have here.

14. When was the last time we went out without Ains? Last night to see Indiana Jones - it was good, but not as spectacular as expected.

15. 1 thing you said you'd never do as a mom? like Erin, allow her to fall from me not paying enough attention, bribing with treats, i'm sure there's more

16. Favorite past time with Ainsleigh? Anything outside - I think because it forces me to be just in the moment with her, not worrying about what I need to get done around the house, I also love that there's always new things for her to discover outside and I love to see that.

17. Favorite quality my mom has? That she would do just about anything for her children/grandchildren (or anyone she cares about) to make them happy or make their lives easier, and that she can shrug off the little stuff and just not worry about it.

18. Advice for new moms? Enjoy each stage of your childs growing up, you are the mom, you will know how to raise your child(ren), no one else needs to tell you how without asking, and especially a child learns plenty just while playing, so don't worry about whether or not every single toy etc is specially made for learning.

19. What was a scary or heartbreaking moment you had? When Ainsleigh fell down one of the ladders at teh playground a few weeks ago - I was standing right there, but she slipped and in an instant was on teh ground, she hit the ladder on teh way down then thudded on her head, did that silent thing for what seemed liek forever before letting out the biggest whail i've heard from her not during a fit. She ended up fine, just a little cut on her tongue, but I really thought she could've been knocked out she hit so hard. She hasn't even tried going up or down a ladder since then.

20. When was the last time Ainsleigh said "I love you"? Sometime this morning - I am now in the wonderful phase of hearing that and thank you a ton - which I love!!


Unknown said...

It's about time you do the tag. Ya, sorry... I realized that later that I used a D. and I think I used a P. for Rachel. I love reading what everyone writes on these.