Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ice Cream Fit

Tonight, at Rachel & Brady's house Ainsleigh didn't want to eat dinner. She had been a little off all day today. She was totally wired during sacrament meeting - you would have thought she had a pound and a half of candy for breakfast. She isn't the most reverent child, but is pretty good, especially with her quiet book. Today she didn't sit still for 1/2 a second - wiggling and moving constantly, she wouldn't even sit still enough to look at her quiet book - and she usually plays with that the entire meeting. Then she wouldn't take a nap this afternoon, and only kinda seemed tired. So by the time we got to Rachel & Brady's she was getting tired. She's usually a good eater, but wouldn't touch it. The discussion of cookies & ice cream came up to get Tayson & Camden to finish their dinners. She immediately wanted that, but didn't seem to even comprehend our rationale that she had to eat dinner to have dessert. So, we set her plate aside and went off to playing. When cookies and ice cream time came she was so excited. We told her she had to eat her dinner - howling crying ensued, so she went to the room. When she came out we asked if she wanted her dinner, she excitedly said yes, apparetnly thinking her dinner had now magically become ice cream & cookies since everyone else was eating that. Dinner plate in front - pushed away - request for ic & c - denied - howling crying - to the room. Back out when she's done crying. request - denied - crying - room - etc a few more times. She started happily going back to the room, staying there quietly for a minute or so, and coming back out with a request/question for ic & c. Then denied, no crying, just try the same manuever again - tais happened three times. Then she decided she wanted her corn - if she got to sit on the floor in the living room to eat it. We let her, she got 2 kernels and a chip in, then abandoned that and requested again - denied - etc. Something happened and she wanted me to pick her up, so I set my bowl down and did, we walked into the living room, while she's staring at me and looking around, finally she asks, "mommy, where you I ceam?" At this point we all just busted out laughing - she is so dang smart, she tried everything. We never did give in, she cried a few more times, and eventually just said she wanted to go home - although she cried for Tayson and Camden as soon as we put the car in reverse. We get to see more and more everyday of what an awesomely strong personality we have. It gets hard sometimes, but mostly we just know we got a little us. She'll be an amazing, independent, super intelligent young woman entirely too soon, so I just try to remember this is one of the stepping stones for getting there. I've also included a fit throwing photo i got Saturday, although this is becuase I wanted to take a picture before I showed it to her - go figure!! ps - hopefully the story is somewhat followable, it really was hilarious to watch - sometimes it was like you could see the wheels turning in her head.


Unknown said...

hahaha. what a smarty pants. Peyton is in to tantrum throwing and sometimes it takes all I have to not laugh. :-)

David and Kimber Strasser said...

Well, it wasn't entirely your child in sacrament meeting. Mine didn't help. At least they were happy to see each other and wanted to share/play.