Sunday, June 1, 2008

Salem Riverfront Park & Carousel

This picture totally cracks Brody and I up - it is Ainsleigh to a T, totally showing off her unique, fun, and very goofy personality.  Notice the gloves, she found them at home just before we left and refused to take them off until she fell down one time and they got dirty.  What a funny girl.

Riding on the carousel

Camden & Ains
Tayson & Ains - I think he has just Fuki slammed her
Ainsleigh running after Tayson trying to fuki slam him back

Saturday we went to Salem Riverfront Park & Carousel. We met Brady, Rachel, Tayson and Camden there, played at the park, had a picnic lunch, then rode on the horsies on the carousel. We had a lot of fun. Ainsleigh always loves playing with her cousins. They played on the playground, chased each other around in the grass, and Aunt Rachel took them to see a big boat go by in the river. They all really enjoyed riding on the carousel, a big change from last year for Ainsleigh when she freaked about 3 seconds into it and made me take her off the horse and hold her. In fact, she went into a screaming fit about having to get off. She was getting pretty tired by then, but she's testing the waters big time to she what she can get out of screaming fits. Most of the time I hold my ground well and can often occupy her with other things, but it is trying at times to listen to the screams, or just how dang cute she is trying to work it other times.